🌈Language Symbols

If you are using symbols in your server nickname or public profiles in any way; Are you aware of their origins? Using language symbols when you are not from that given culture can be seen as offensive to some cultures.

Why shouldn’t you use language symbols if you aren’t part of that culture?| Language is one of the most important parts of any culture. A lot of the symbols you see being used are culturally significant and valued by their people. Some have relations to religion or cultural significance. So using these symbols as an ‘aesthetic’ or to look ‘pretty’ can be cultural appropriation. There are other symbols that you can use instead of appropriating someone's culture. One of the owners of Fairytales, Love has put together this Carrd of non-language symbols you can use in your profiles instead: https://fairytales-symbols.carrd.co/

What is cultural appropriation? Cultural appropriation is defined as using elements of a closed/non dominant culture, usually by a dominant culture, in a way that reinforces stereotypes, dehumanises oppressed groups or ignores and disrespects the original meaning.

How can you inform someone about language symbol usage? We have a custom command in Fairytales that you can use at anytime to educate other members. You can use the command -symbols for quick information. Make sure you are approaching members correctly when doing this - as that member may have every right to use that symbol and may be part of that culture! So be informative and provide education while also respecting other members privacy and backgrounds. Do not ask member's for personal information about themselves.

For more information on Language symbol usage and Cultural Appropriation, please read here: https://closedcultures.carrd.co/

Last updated