Accessibility Q&A

♡ Why can't I use special/fancy fonts?

Special/fancy fonts can be inaccessible for members of this server who use screen readers or those who may have difficulty reading your content, such as those with dyslexia. Therefore, we ask for you to not use these in your messages or nicknames.

♡ Can I use Discord formatting such as bolds or italics in my messages?

Discord text formatting such as the use of bold, italics, strikethrough and other formatting styles are allowed in messages as long as it is not excessive.

What would count as 'excessive' would be: consistent use of formatted text in a singular message or across multiple lines of text.

Discord formatting should be used to emphasise portions of text instead of in its entirety.

Example of what's generally not okay: 'I appreciate you all!' What it could be instead: 'I appreciate you all!'

The use of consistent text formatting can cause eye strain when used excessively. So just be mindful of your peers when formatting/constructing your messages!

♡ How do you try to make the server more accessible for systems?

We pride ourselves in system safety and we do what we can to make sure everyone is comfortable.

  • The system role is not obtainable by role reaction to make sure it doesn't fall into the wrong hands. You can obtain the systems role by heading to the Tickets channel and clicking the green 'obtain systems role' button! From there, we ask you a few questions that will enable us to keep your systems safety at the forefront during your time in this server. You will then be asked to agree to our well thought out terms to ensure you are using the role for its desired purpose.

  • We have the Tupperbox bot which allows our system members to speak via a webhook more comfortably.

  • Members in Fairytales have the ability to change their nicknames so that you can change your nickname to show who is fronting at any time if you do not wish to use Tupperbox.

  • We have many custom commands and resources to educate members about systems, tupperbox and also resources for systems to help eachother out. These commands are: -notabot, -systems, -sysresources and -newalter.

  • We are always open to improving, so if you have any suggestions for better accessibility for our system members, please reach out and open a ticket.

♡ How do you try to make the server more accessible for screen reader users?
  • We do not allow fancy fonts in this server to make sure screen readers can read messages sent by the community with as much breeze as possible. This includes having fancy fonts in nicknames or messages. Messages including such content will always be deleted or changed. If there is ever a user in chat using fancy fonts, please alert a staff member right away!

  • We have spam filters for duplicated characters aka letter spam. While in some cases, this can be unavoidable, we have our bots in the server set up to try and catch as much of this happening as possible!

  • Emotes that are used repetitively in this server are named with screen readers in mind. All of our non-verbal emotes and tone indicator emotes are named in a way so that they can be read aloud by most screen readers with ease.

  • Members who have typing quirks that cannot be easily read by screen reader or eye must have a translation clearly labelled at the beginning of the message.

♡ How do you try to make the server more accessible for typing quirk users?

Typing quirks are allowed in the server as long as a translation is provided at the beginning of the message if possible. Languages other than English cannot be used, even with a translation provided as we cannot guarantee the translation.

The reason we ask for this is so that members who use screen readers or have trouble deciphering certain sentences are able to still read your content. We understand that they can't always be easily translated, so please speak to a moderator if you're struggling with this!

We at fairytales can only do so much if needs begin to clash, so this is where you, the community need to also work together to hear each other's needs and accommodate each other too!

♡ How do you try to make the server more accessible for members with tics/stims?
  • The staff team have picked out a variety of stim emotes to be used in chat! We believe the emotes we have picked out offer a wide variety of options to use in chat!

  • We also have a tics/stims role that is obtainable from the Roles channel. The reason this was created was more for comfortability and reassurance. We want you to know you are thought about. This role also allows staff to be able to moderate an online presence more effectively. The role exists as a way for moderators to see who may be using non-verbal or stim emotes and also from a deeper point of view, it helps us with voice chat moderation. If a member joined a VC with stims or tics and there was a report about a member potentially being loud or saying potentially harmful things- it allows moderators that extra step before just banishing someone from a situation they're unable to control. The role will allow us to reach out to you.

♡ How do you try to make the server more accessible for non verbal/semi verbal members?

The staff team at fairytales have curated a set of non-verbal emotes with the community and accessibility in mind. We have created a range of different word emotes that can be paired together to create sentences that enable members to continue to have conversations with members even when non-verbal/semi-verbal.

You may also hear this referred to as non/semi scribal (the inability or struggle to produce written or typed up language) around the server as Discord is a text-based platform. As text is the most-used Discord communication, these are sometimes used interchangeably to just denote a struggle in communication. Members will communicate in a way that is comfortable for them specifically - and if we are able to provide a resource to aid in this; we absolutely will - hence the range of word emotes we have within the server!

There are a multitude of reasons why someone may go non or semi verbal. These are some reasons (not limited to): struggle to communicate with words due to that person's neurodivergency, intense or stressful social situations, extreme stress and speech disorders.

♡ How do you try to make the server more accessible for photosensitive members?

To make the server accessible for photosensitive users, TupperBox has been disabled in calm chat.

TupperBox can be a photosensitive trigger, as the quick flashes and deletion of messages can trigger photosensitive epilepsy and migraines, along with being inaccessible for some screen readers. Tupper box is still enabled everywhere else in the server and systems are able to utilise the system chat as an alternative calmer chat with proxying. This does not mean that systems are not allowed to speak within calm chat, everybody is completely welcome to interact- there just will not be a proxy bot available within that channel.

Some accessibility needs will inevitably clash, but its up to our members to look out for each other as well and make sure we are helping out our peers wherever possible!

Last updated